Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WasuRenaiDe (song lyric)

Today i found this song in youtube...after listen to the song...i like the lyric in the song...
so, wanna to share with yr guys....haha^^
hope u all enjoy it....

The memories of you remain, they're so strong
I read a short message from you and it makes my chest tighten painfully
But I want to keep protecting your eternal happiness

I'll become the wind and wrap gently around you
Right now, I want to fly to a world with you in it
Even though I want to see you so much... I miss you so much...
I'm waiting for you, don't forget me

On the path we'd always walk, I felt your presence
Silently, I close my eyes and pray that it'll never disappear...

Without acknowledging the things that hurt you deeply, you just kept on laughing and smiling
I'll always remember and cherish that
And I'll keep yelling out to the world, even if the words I use are but ordinary

The nights touched by you...

It's enough to break me; your fragrance hanging in the air and these feelings that build up, baby
So that this'll never end, I'll hold your hand even tighter
So that we'll never be separated...

I'm right here, don't forget me